Rentals apartment
Antibes (06600) - ref. 435L1039A
Apartment Antibes
Downtown, Rentals apartment
2 rooms
48 m²
1 090 € / month
- 1 145 $
- 894 £
- Other currencies
Located in the charming town of Antibes, this 2-room apartment with a surface area of 48 m² also offers a 5 m² terrace, perfect for enjoying the magnificent southern climate. The apartment occupies the 2nd floor of a 5-storey building. Independent fitted kitchen, individual electric heating, collective hot water and a city view. Located to the south, it benefits from beautiful sunshine all year round. In terms of comfort, you will appreciate the elevator, the calm of the neighborhood, the double glazing and the electric blinds. The apartment in good condition includes 1 bedroom, 1 shower room, a toilet and also offers a terrace. Finally, this property is offered for rent unfurnished. Come visit and let yourself be seduced!
- Exposition : South
- View : urban
- Hot water : collective
- Inner condition : GOOD
- Floor : 2nd
- 1 bedroom
- 1 terrace
- 1 shower
- 1 WC
- Lift
- Double Glazing
- Calm
- Electric blinds
Fees and charges
- Monthly rent 1 090 € with charges
including 140 € provision for charges with annual settlement (excluding charges 950 €).
624 € VAT of fees paid by the tenant (including 144 € VAT for state of the property), 950 € for security deposit, click here to consulted our price list
Practical information
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L'appartement occupe le 2ème étage d'un immeuble de 5 étages. Cuisine indépendante aménagée, le chauffage individuel électrique, l'eau chaude collective et la vue citadine. Placé au sud, il bénéficie d'un bel ensoleillement tout au long de l'année. Côté confort, vous apprécierez l'ascenseur, le calme du quartier, le double vitrage ainsi que les stores électriques. L'appartement en bon état comprend 1 chambre, 1 salle de douche, des toilettes et propose également une terrasse. Enfin, ce bien est proposé à la location vide. Venez visiter et laissez-vous séduire ! " ["frclean"]=> string(756) "Situé dans la charmante ville d'Antibes, ce 2 pièces d'une surface de 48 m² offre aussi une terrasse de 5 m², parfaite pour profiter du magnifique climat du Sud. L'appartement occupe le 2ème étage d'un immeuble de 5 étages. Cuisine indépendante aménagée, le chauffage individuel électrique, l'eau chaude collective et la vue citadine. Placé au sud, il bénéficie d'un bel ensoleillement tout au long de l'année. Côté confort, vous apprécierez l'ascenseur, le calme du quartier, le double vitrage ainsi que les stores électriques. L'appartement en bon état comprend 1 chambre, 1 salle de douche, des toilettes et propose également une terrasse. Enfin, ce bien est proposé à la location vide. Venez visiter et laissez-vous séduire ! " ["en"]=> string(734) "Located in the charming town of Antibes, this 2-room apartment with a surface area of 48 m² also offers a 5 m² terrace, perfect for enjoying the magnificent southern climate. The apartment occupies the 2nd floor of a 5-storey building. Independent fitted kitchen, individual electric heating, collective hot water and a city view. Located to the south, it benefits from beautiful sunshine all year round. In terms of comfort, you will appreciate the elevator, the calm of the neighborhood, the double glazing and the electric blinds. The apartment in good condition includes 1 bedroom, 1 shower room, a toilet and also offers a terrace. Finally, this property is offered for rent unfurnished. Come visit and let yourself be seduced!" ["enclean"]=> string(734) "Located in the charming town of Antibes, this 2-room apartment with a surface area of 48 m² also offers a 5 m² terrace, perfect for enjoying the magnificent southern climate. The apartment occupies the 2nd floor of a 5-storey building. Independent fitted kitchen, individual electric heating, collective hot water and a city view. Located to the south, it benefits from beautiful sunshine all year round. In terms of comfort, you will appreciate the elevator, the calm of the neighborhood, the double glazing and the electric blinds. The apartment in good condition includes 1 bedroom, 1 shower room, a toilet and also offers a terrace. Finally, this property is offered for rent unfurnished. Come visit and let yourself be seduced!" } } ["metadonnees"]=> array(0) { } ["nouveauteexpire"]=> string(19) "2025-03-01 15:48:02" ["source"]=> string(1) "1" ["dateupdate"]=> string(19) "2025-01-30 15:48:02" ["offrepasserelle"]=> array(6) { [0]=> array(5) { ["site"]=> string(3) "435" ["societe"]=> string(3) "435" ["passerelle"]=> string(1) "6" ["filigrane"]=> bool(true) ["adresseprecise"]=> bool(true) } [1]=> array(3) { ["passerelle"]=> string(1) "2" ["filigrane"]=> bool(true) ["adresseprecise"]=> bool(true) } [2]=> array(3) { ["passerelle"]=> string(1) "1" ["filigrane"]=> bool(true) ["adresseprecise"]=> bool(false) } [3]=> array(3) { ["passerelle"]=> string(1) "3" ["filigrane"]=> bool(true) ["adresseprecise"]=> bool(true) } [4]=> array(3) { ["passerelle"]=> string(3) "134" ["filigrane"]=> bool(true) ["adresseprecise"]=> bool(true) } [5]=> array(3) { ["passerelle"]=> string(3) "218" ["filigrane"]=> bool(true) ["adresseprecise"]=> bool(true) } } ["id"]=> string(11) "1-435L1039A" ["agencedetails"]=> array(21) { ["_id"]=> string(5) "1-435" ["adresse"]=> string(20) "6, Boulevard Chancel" ["cartepro"]=> string(5) "10067" ["cp"]=> string(5) "06600" ["email"]=> string(5) "chanc" ["fax"]=> string(0) "" ["garantie"]=> string(62) "SOCAF montant de 3 000 000 €, 26 av. de Suffren 75015 PARIS" ["nom"]=> string(18) "Chancel Immobilier" ["pays"]=> string(6) "France" ["rcs"]=> string(26) "Antibes 06 01 B 349 146 37" ["siret"]=> string(17) "349 146 373 00023" ["siteweb"]=> string(31) "" ["source"]=> string(1) "1" ["telephone"]=> string(20) "+33(0)4 93 95 95 00 " ["ville"]=> string(7) "Antibes" ["bareme"]=> string(24) "590c4b6a9b793aed0600834d" ["societe"]=> int(435) ["sitesweb"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(31) "" [1]=> string(14) "" [2]=> string(39) "" [3]=> string(16) "" [4]=> string(21) "" } ["autrelogologiciel"]=> string(24) "60536f205d3421f41800834d" ["logologiciel"]=> string(24) "670e2c3b8b4ba79b8100257b" ["typeentreprise"]=> string(0) "" } ["personneldetails"]=> array(20) { ["_id"]=> string(6) "1-2014" ["agence"]=> string(5) "1-435" ["bureau"]=> string(14) "04 93 95 95 00" ["email"]=> string(29) "" ["nom"]=> string(4) "Zema" ["prenom"]=> string(8) "Delphine" ["source"]=> string(1) "1" ["portable"]=> string(0) "" ["fonction"]=> string(13) "Négociatrice" ["photo"]=> string(0) "" ["secteur"]=> string(0) "" ["residence"]=> string(0) "" ["adresse"]=> string(0) "" ["cp"]=> string(0) "" ["ville"]=> string(0) "" ["pays"]=> string(0) "" ["trombiordre"]=> int(0) ["trombidiff"]=> bool(false) ["textes"]=> array(0) { } ["actif"]=> bool(true) } } }